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Simple ideas for playing lead over chord changes - Guitar Lesson EP533
Using the CAGED System to play over chord changes (Part 3 of 3) - Guitar Lesson - EP526
How to play harmonies when soloing by finding them in basic chord shapes - Guitar Lesson - EP532
Mapping the fretboard for a slow, country style lead - Guitar Lesson - EP538
Visualize licks when playing chord changes (connect the lick to the chord) - Guitar Lesson - EP466
STOP WASTING TIME!!! Practice Your Guitar Soloing Like This...
Hear the chord changes in a Boogie Woogie style lead you can play by yourself - Guitar Lesson EP531
Simple Triad idea to improve your Blues lead on guitar - Blues guitar lesson - EP537
Do you want to get better on guitar? Live online guitar lessons with Chris Rupp from GuitArmy 🔥
Improvising with just you and your guitar - Solo Blues Guitar Lesson - How to get started!!
Blues guitar ideas you should know! Learn several easy blues guitar concepts in this lesson - EP516
These simple chord substitutions are a game changer for improvising on guitar! Guitar Lesson - EP529